About ParentTalk
Do you feel like you spend too many hours struggling with your child over simple, silly things? Are you yelling, threatening, or bribing your child when you really don’t want to? The ParentTalk Podcast offers practical suggestions that really work! Based on our years of experience, we offer real-life strategies and realistic language techniques that help you deal with daily challenges ranging from toilet mastery to conflicts surrounding eating, behavior, and following rules.
No one parenting strategy works for every family in every situation. Each child is unique and even siblings will challenge parents in different ways and require different responses. There are, however, overarching principles which can guide parents in those responses. The ParentTalk Podcast provides the tools and practical insights to interact with your child consistently, effectively, and positively.
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ParentTalk: Behind the Mics
Arthur Lavin, M.D., and Susan Glaser, M.A., have worked in children’s medicine and development, respectively, for over thirty years. Together, they have authored two books on parenting philosophies and solutions, Who’s the Boss: Moving Families from Conflict to Collaboration and Baby and Toddler Sleep Solutions for Dummies.

ARTHUR LAVIN, M.D., is a pediatrician with over 25 years of experience in the practice of medicine. Dr. Lavin trained at Harvard, Ohio State University, and MIT, leading to board certification as a general pediatrician and as a specialist in newborn medicine. He has served as president of the Northern Ohio Pediatric Society and on a number of national committees of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Lavin has received international recognition from Microsoft for being one of the pioneers in the use of technology in the practice of medicine, and has been at the forefront of applying the lessons of brain science to helping families advance their children’s learning and coping needs. He is married and has three children.

SUSAN GLASER, M.A., is an educational psychologist who has worked in private practice with parents of young children, and is also an early childhood educator. She was the Director of Early Childhood Services for the Jewish Community Center of Cleveland for 15 years and currently works as a national consultant in that field. She has had more than 30 years of experience presenting workshops for parents that support young families as they deal with the common developmental issues of childhood. Ms. Glaser wrote a monthly article on parenting and has had articles published in national early childhood publications. She is married and has three children.